Slavery and Emancipation in 20th Century Africa - Prof. Benedetta Rossi, PhD

Prof. Benedetta Rossi



The talk focused on the 20th-Century history of African slaves and slave descendants (Africans enslaved to other Africans in Africa). The following topics were handled: the consequences of the colonial abolition of slavery in different African societies; the slow process of emancipation; the obstacles faced by men and women of slave descent (gender matters); and their main strategies of resistance and forms of social mobility; contemporary slavery. Selected case studies were presented to illustrate different circumstances in different African societies. The talk is of interest to researchers working on racism, exclusion, marginalisation, labour history, and afrodescendents. There are many common themes in the study of the experience of African slaves in Africa and African slaves in Brazil. This talk was held on 12 September 2016 at the auditorium of the History Department of the the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Escravidão e Emancipação na África do século XX Profa. Dra. Benedetta Rossi Universidade de Birmingham Anfiteatro Fernand Braudel - FFLCH - USP Na palestra, a professora aborda a história (séc. XX) dos africanos escravizados por africanos na África e dos seus descendentes. São introduzidos casos específicos de diferentes sociedades africanas. Alguns aspectos destacados: as consequências da abolição da escravidão; uma perspectiva de gênero sobre os obstáculos enfrentados por homens e mulheres descendentes de escravos no lento processo de emancipação nas várias sociedades africanas; suas principais estratégias de resistência e formas de mobilidade social; a escravidão na contemporaneidade.